Enrolment Process
Thank you for considering St Pius X School for your child’s education. Applications for enrolment are welcome at any time through the year, for all year levels. We encourage families to submit applications for enrolment well in advance to increase the likelihood of securing a place for your child.
How to Enrol
STEP 1: School Tour
We invite to join us for our School Tours led by our Principal and our Leadership Team as an opportunity to see our school in action.
To arrange a personal tour of the school, please book here.
STEP 2: An application for Enrolment
Complete and return an Application for Enrolment Form together with:
- Your child's birth certificate (and passport/visa if applicable)
- Most recent school report (for students joining St Pius X from another school)
- Learning or health assessments (if applicable)
- Sacramental certificates (if applicable)
- Guardianship, family court or other relevant court orders (if applicable)
STEP 3: Enrolment Interview
You and your child will be invited to an enrolment meeting. In the case of Reception students, this interview normally occurs 12 months prior to the commencement of school.
STEP 4: Offer of Place
A Letter of Offer will be sent following the interview (subject to the availability of places). Acceptance of this offer is confirmed by returning the signed form and payment of a $300 non-refundable deposit. This deposit is deducted from the first terms schools fees when your child commences at St Pius X School.